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Helping customers like you achieve their financial goals is all we do, which is why we’re arming you with our expert insight, tips, and advice to help you get there.

Setting Financial Goals for the New Year

New Year, new you, right? This mantra doesn’t just apply to fitness goals—it encompasses all the resolutions you commit to tackling in 2021 with renewed purpose. For many, those resolutions take the form of financial goals (hey, new year, new home does have a nice ring to it!).

Whether you’re looking to make a big-ticket purchase, plump up your savings account, or embark on a trip around the world once COVID-19 is history, establishing a few financial goals will ensure your wallet and heart are on the same page.

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There’s Still Much to Appreciate this Holiday Season

The 2020 holiday season will undoubtedly be one for the books. While the phrase “home for the holidays” may take on new meaning, there is still lots to be thankful for as we inch toward the New Year.

Here are just a few things on our radar.

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Building New Traditions

When we think of Thanksgiving celebrations, we likely think of family, friends, amazing food, festive cocktails, and tunes. We also may think of that post-feast nap on the couch! You likely have already established your traditions over the years that might include specific menus, pre- or post-dinner activities, and even the guest list. Traditions are a wonderful way to bring family history and beloved memories with us throughout the generations. While it’s important (dare we say imperative?) to keep traditions going, it’s also fun to create new traditions to add to the mix as well.

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Celebrating Halloween During a World Pandemic

Halloween, as well as our everyday lives, looks a bit different this year. We’re navigating through a pandemic and adapting at every turn. Halloween brings a unique set of problems when you have little ones, who sometimes plan months in advance for the big day. The good news is that we can still make it fun and safe  for everyone with a little planning and creativity. Here are a few out-of-the-box ideas to consider:

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Balancing Work and School in the Home

The new COVID world has been challenging for all of us. From working from home, while assisting children with distance learning, and trying to keep a household running is a lot on the plate! With this new normal, we’ve put together a few tips to help balance the thousand balls you have in the air. 

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4 Things To Look For When Choosing Your New Neighborhood

Moving to a new neighborhood can be so exciting! You’ve got a new home to make your own, a neighborhood to explore and different amenities at your disposal. This is a brand-new chapter filled with endless possibilities! 

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5 Things To Consider If You’re Thinking About Relocating

Relocating is on the minds of many Americans right now for a few reasons. These include the current work-from-home (WFH) culture spurred by COVID-19, career changes and low interest rates. Companies like Facebook, Google and Twitter have even given many employees the permanent option of working from home. This is causing change in our major cities as workers consider where they would want to live if their job’s location wasn’t a factor.

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Observing Memorial Day Conscientiously

Memorial Day is traditionally celebrated with cookouts and parties and often signifies the beginning of the summer season. It’s important, however, to respect and observe the actual meaning of Memorial Day, which is a National Day of Mourning honoring those who have died serving the U.S. Armed Forces. It’s important to remember that for many, this is a tough day. It’s difficult to raise a glass and light off fireworks and smile with the crowd when the observance hits close to home.

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Lawn & Garden Tips That Will Make Your Home Blossom

April showers bring May flowers, right? Well, yes…if the seeds have already been planted! If not, this is the ideal time to give your outdoor space a little TLC. Fixing up your yard can foster a pride in ownership, give the neighbors something beautiful to look at and, best of all, even increase the selling value of your home!

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DIY Home Improvement & Maintenance Tips

Your home is where your heart is. For most of us right now, it’s also where our business is, our family is and our attention is. It’s safe to say your home is where you’re spending the majority of your time – and quite possibly a majority of your income – so make sure this investment pays off by keeping your home in the best shape possible!

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How To Keep Busy While Isolating

We’re all in this together, but at times the isolation feels lonely and that the days are dragging on, doesn’t it?

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Family Friendly Online Learning & Activities

Are you looking for activities that will keep your kiddos learning and moving, plus keep your family entertained throughout this time? APM has you covered!

Below is a list of online resources and our favorite at-home activities to help you navigate the next few weeks during the #stayathome Coronavirus epidemic.


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What to Do With Your Kids During Quarantine

We are all experiencing a new normal as we take shelter and work to flatten the curve with this Coronavirus that is circulating around the world. It has brought a new normal for each of us in our daily lives. We now interact through social media, live stream apps and electronic devices. Our kids, for the time being, can’t play at the park or have sleepovers with friends. Our weekend trip to the movie theaters is no longer on the agenda nor is the zoo or aquarium. Family time is, for now, indoors and outside so long as we keep a distance from others. So, what do we do with our kids when we are stuck at home for the next few weeks, possibly longer? I can say as a mom of four, two of which are under the age of two, I have had to get creative! Here are a few ideas to stay healthy (physically and mentally), beat the cabin fever and make the most of this time together.

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Stay Healthy & Balanced While You Work From Home

Working from home has become the #newnormal for millions of Americans as we try to contain the coronavirus. Some are thrilled to roll out of bed in their PJs as they tackle the five-second commute to their dining room office. Others may miss their familiar routines, office space and coworkers.

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Time Management is Key to Work-Life Balance

Whether trying to manage a schedule for one or for a family of six, there are so many things that demand our time and attention. Your desire to be successful in your career, be a great partner and spouse and actively involved parent are all admirable goals and aspirations, but with so many demands, we can become overwhelmed and find ourselves in auto pilot. Creating a healthy and happy work-life balance by establishing a routine is vital to preventing burnout and compromising relationships with friends and family. Time management, as restrictive as it sounds, gives back more time to spend doing what we love with the ones we love!

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Throwing an Oscar Party to Remember

It’s fun finding reasons to throw a party and celebrate! Whether that be casual or formal, two guests or twenty, a seated dinner or a variety of appetizers and beverages, incorporating a theme makes it fun. The Oscars are just around the corner and this is a perfect reason to throw a party and offer a fun theme as well! Here are some ideas on how to throw a party to remember:

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Understanding a 3-2-1 Interest Rate Buydown
Understanding a 3-2-1 Interest Rate Buydown
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What You Need to Know about Sales Price vs. Appraised Value
What You Need to Know about Sales Price vs. Appraised Value
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How Much One Extra Mortgage Payment Can Save You
How Much One Extra Mortgage Payment Can Save You
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APM Financial Fitness: October 2024
APM Financial Fitness: October 2024
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STaR Loan Program: Home Loans for Public Servants
STaR Loan Program: Home Loans for Public Servants
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Mortgage Review: Take Advantage of Improving Interest Rates
Mortgage Review: Take Advantage of Improving Interest Rates
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